Next Gen Crafters


Calling all young makers, builders, and creators! Illume Connect is thrilled to introduce Next Gen Crafters, a special feature celebrating the next generation of artisans in the leather and craft world. If your kiddo loves working with their hands, designing, or making incredible things, this is their time to shine! 

🛠 WHAT: A showcase of talented young crafters in Illume Magazine! We’re looking for photos, artwork, projects, and even short stories about their creative process. 

📍 WHERE: Featured in Illume Magazine, online, and across our social media platforms! 

📆 WHEN: Submissions are open NOW! Send in your child’s work anytime to be considered for upcoming editions. Due each month by the 20th 

👧 WHO: Young creators under 18! Whether they’re just starting or already mastering the craft, we want to see their talent. 

🌟 WHY: Because the future of craftsmanship starts with them! We want to encourage, inspire, and give them a place to share their passion with the world. 

🔹 HOW TO SUBMIT: A parent or guardian must send in the submission along with a signed consent form. Simply email us at with their work and a short description! 

Let’s celebrate the creativity of the next generation! 

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